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Showing posts from February, 2025

Targeted for Blessing, by Margriet Leach

I hear God saying, “You are the target of My continual blessing. Blessing without measure. Blessing without strings attached. Blessing not only for you, but for your family. Even when it does not feel like it, I am blessing you or working things out in your favor. Even now there are things that are opening up for you in ways that you could not have hoped for or imagined. Take the increase that I have placed in front of you and RUN WITH IT. You do not need to have everything figured out as you begin to run: strategy and answers will come in the running with it, not beforehand. Trust the path I have you on. Do not pull out and quit, but stay in the midst of where you are even though it is uncomfortable. It is in this place where your upgrade and increase can be apprehended. It is here that you will uncover different facets of who you are and who I am. It is time for your upgrade in blessing. Watch, as you partner with Me, what will happen in the upcoming months!” —Margriet Leach, Emerg...

The Angels of Hearts, by Sonia Marques

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” —1 Cor 13:4-5 What do you do when "love" becomes the weapon that breaks your heart? When the very thing meant to be patient and kind turns self-seeking and dishonouring? How do you navigate the night of the Spirit when all you feel is pain and heartache? When you've given everything and your heart, once in rhythm with the world's beauty, is now blind and bleeding? During a worship session at my local church a couple years ago, I sat with my back against the wall, praying, “Lord, I volunteered to serve today. Please, don't let anyone approach me. I just need to sit here alone with You and bleed.” The events of that week were raw, the wounds in my heart fresh, and I couldn't find the words to talk about them. I sat in that plastic chair, pushed back as far as I could, ...

A Great Divide Is Here, by Daniel Emerson

A great divide is here. The Church is at war, but not how you think. We are living in a defining moment for the body of Christ—a time when the real sons and daughters of the Kingdom are being separated from the counterfeit. The war is not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12), but against the invisible superstructures that have enslaved and dominated God’s people—systems built by men, not the Spirit of the Living God. For too long, the Church has been chasing the wrong things—fame, fortune, and influence—mistaking popularity for anointing, entertainment for power, and attendance for sonship. Many have been trapped in an illusion of religious success, blind to the fact that not everyone who cries "Lord, Lord" will enter the Kingdom (Matthew 7:21-23). But hear this word of warning: The great divide is here. The Kingdom is shifting. And the “wild ones” are rising. The religious order is crumbling like in John the Baptist’s day. When John the Baptist came on the scene, he disr...

No Fear February! by ReGina Duncan

This is No Fear February! It’s time to face the truth about transition. Transition requires faith. God says, "Believe in Me!" Jesus is right by your side and holding your hand as He sends you outside the parameters of the past season. The Holy Spirit is sending you to preach the Gospel to influencers in your city. It’s time for face-to-face showdowns with the spirits that are causing confusion. Make no mistake, be like Paul and take authority over your God-given destiny. February is the month to face your fears so you can March forward. Remove the witches from your prayer teams and stop entertaining the crowds and coddling the witches to save face. Look at Jesus alone! Acts 13:9 says, “But Saul who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him and said, 'You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness full of deceit and villainy, will you stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?'" (Read all of Acts 13.) It’s time for ...

Don't Give Up, by Krista Dunk

" Therefore we do not give up." —2 Cor. 4:16a " Let's not get tired of doing what is good, for at the right time we will reap a harvest—if we do not give up." —Galatians 6:9 "But as for you, brothers and sisters, do not grow weary in doing good." —2 Thess. 3:13 "So do not throw away your confidence; it holds a great reward. Y ou need to persevere, so that after you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised." Lately, I feel the encouragement and grace from the Lord to not give up on what He has called us to. From His perspective, it shows great faith to keep going with what we KNOW He has called us to despite opposition, discouragement, doubt, or fear. Whatever He has called us to is doing good . The harvest will come if we do not lose heart. It reminds me of a time in my yard when I snapped off a dandelion's flower and announced to it that it could no longer reproduce and its harvest was cancelled. God's Spirit ...

Binding the Identity-Twisting Spirits, by Dr. Morgan Goss

In my sleep this morning, I sensed the Holy Spirit calling those engaged in the warfare of the Lord to begin to BIND the foul spirits afflicting the ones who are in torment over their identity. How dare these foul spirits afflict the children of God? It’s by the Spirit of the Lord we must bind their evil plots and schemes which confuse our children. They are FOUL, FOUL, FOUL. It’s not a political thing—it’s a foul thing. We must begin to bind them. How do you bind them? “I bind every foul spirit plaguing the children and the youth of this generation, in Jesus’ name. May the Spirit of the Lord raise up a standard against every lying spirit, against every perverse spirit, against every identity-distorting spirit. May the sons and daughters of God be released from these foul spirits’ grip, in Jesus' name, and may the Spirit of the Lord sweep across their schools, their homes, and every sphere pertaining to them—that the eyes of their hearts be enlightened to the Spirit of God and may ...

What I Am Doing Is Good, by Margriet Leach

I was praying about this morning’s word and heard God saying, “Behold I am doing a new thing and it is GOOD!” Immediately my spirit leapt in anticipation. In praying over it, I heard God saying,  “I AM doing a new thing. It IS GOOD! What you see happening in the world does not necessarily determine your destiny or your outcome. Do not lean into fear. Do not lean into insecurity. Continue to lean into Me because what I have for you is good. You WILL see My goodness in where you are at (Psalm 23:7)! It is not time for hustling, being driven by fear, or consumed by stress and worry. It is time for you to thrive and continue to lean into My courage, hope, love, and a sound mind!” —Margriet Leach, Emerging Prophets Director, California, Visit the  FTPN home page . Return to the  word archive home page . Sign up to receive  Source Fire News  e-newsletter   twice a week from FTPN.