In my sleep this morning, I sensed the Holy Spirit calling those engaged in the warfare of the Lord to begin to BIND the foul spirits afflicting the ones who are in torment over their identity.
How dare these foul spirits afflict the children of God? It’s by the Spirit of the Lord we must bind their evil plots and schemes which confuse our children. They are FOUL, FOUL, FOUL. It’s not a political thing—it’s a foul thing. We must begin to bind them. How do you bind them?
“I bind every foul spirit plaguing the children and the youth of this generation, in Jesus’ name. May the Spirit of the Lord raise up a standard against every lying spirit, against every perverse spirit, against every identity-distorting spirit. May the sons and daughters of God be released from these foul spirits’ grip, in Jesus' name, and may the Spirit of the Lord sweep across their schools, their homes, and every sphere pertaining to them—that the eyes of their hearts be enlightened to the Spirit of God and may they be baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire. May these freed ones walk in an authority over every darkness that sought to destroy them. May they take back seven-fold what the enemy stole from them, and may they liberate a generation and present the harvest to the Lord Jesus. For it is not by might, nor by power, but by the SPIRIT of the Lord. Therefore, I decree that the Spirit of the Lord is sweeping over the nation right now, in Jesus’ name, to accomplish all that is on the Father’s heart—to bring salvation, healing and deliverance.
Father, release every ministering angel necessary to accomplish what is on Your heart pertaining to Your sons and daughters! Raise up an army of restored, identified sons and daughters who are full of the power of God—knowing they are those who the Father foreknew and called and chose and redeemed! In Jesus’ name!”
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