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A Great Divide Is Here, by Daniel Emerson

A great divide is here. The Church is at war, but not how you think.

We are living in a defining moment for the body of Christ—a time when the real sons and daughters of the Kingdom are being separated from the counterfeit. The war is not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12), but against the invisible superstructures that have enslaved and dominated God’s people—systems built by men, not the Spirit of the Living God.

For too long, the Church has been chasing the wrong things—fame, fortune, and influence—mistaking popularity for anointing, entertainment for power, and attendance for sonship. Many have been trapped in an illusion of religious success, blind to the fact that not everyone who cries "Lord, Lord" will enter the Kingdom (Matthew 7:21-23).

But hear this word of warning: The great divide is here. The Kingdom is shifting. And the “wild ones” are rising. The religious order is crumbling like in John the Baptist’s day.

When John the Baptist came on the scene, he disrupted the religious order of the day. He was not a polished priest from the temple. He was a wild man from the wilderness, clothed in camel’s hair, living on locusts and honey (Matthew 3:4). He called out corruption, rebuked unholy alliances, and prepared the way for the Lord—not through compromise, but through confrontation.

The same is happening now.

Many in the Church are in bed with Babylon. They have entered into unholy alliances, forming pacts with demonic agendas, all while lifting their hands in worship. They preach the Kingdom, but they bow to fame, money, and power. They talk about holiness, but their hearts chase platforms over presence, influence over intimacy, and recognition over righteousness.

This is the warning: “Come out from among them and be separate,” says the Lord. “Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you” (2 Corinthians 6:17).

The Messengers of Satan Within the Church...

Make no mistake—there are messengers of Satan operating inside the Church today. They are not sent to build the Kingdom; they are sent to corrupt it. And many follow them blindly, entertained by their words, but unaware that their very souls are being entangled in deception.

The enemy’s strategy is simple: Rob the Church of its true power by keeping it distracted. And what better way to do this than to place wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15), who shake the foundations of faith with controversy, greed, and deception?

They are spectacle-makers, not kingdom-builders. They are more concerned with viral moments than the voice of God. They preach tolerance but reject truth. They demand honor but give none to the King.

This is why many are falling away (2 Thessalonians 2:3) because they have built their faith on charisma, not consecration—on spectacle, not substance. But here’s the good news…

The Kingdom Belongs to the Wild Ones!

The next move of God isn’t coming from the stage—it’s coming from the wilderness. It belongs to the wild ones. The wild ones are the burning ones, the ones who have been hidden in the trenches, trained in obscurity, refined by fire. Some have been on the front lines for years, carrying the weight of revival and glory in silence. Others are just now emerging—battle-tested, ready to be unleashed for harvest, miracles, and divine reformation.

They have no agenda but the King’s. They are not for sale. They are not impressed by platforms. They fear God alone, and they will not be silenced. This is the hour of the remnant, the rise of a fearless, uncompromising, supernatural Church—one that moves in power, purity, and true Kingdom authority.

The Great Stand-Off Has Begun.

There is no more middle ground. A line has been drawn in the Spirit. Will you be a spectator or a soldier? Will you be a son or a slave to religion? Will you bow to Babylon or stand for righteousness?

The stage is being set for the Third Great Awakening, the final wave of reformation before the return of Christ. This will not be a celebrity revival—this will be a Kingdom invasion. The counterfeit will be exposed. The divided will be shaken. And the true Church will rise in glory, power, and the fear of the Lord. Now is the time to choose. Let’s get ready—warriors, arise!

—Daniel Emerson, Author, Coach, Leader of Warrior Insiders, Kentucky

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