I hear God saying, “You are the target of My continual blessing. Blessing without measure. Blessing without strings attached. Blessing not only for you, but for your family. Even when it does not feel like it, I am blessing you or working things out in your favor.
Even now there are things that are opening up for you in ways that you could not have hoped for or imagined. Take the increase that I have placed in front of you and RUN WITH IT. You do not need to have everything figured out as you begin to run: strategy and answers will come in the running with it, not beforehand.
Trust the path I have you on. Do not pull out and quit, but stay in the midst of where you are even though it is uncomfortable. It is in this place where your upgrade and increase can be apprehended. It is here that you will uncover different facets of who you are and who I am. It is time for your upgrade in blessing.
Watch, as you partner with Me, what will happen in the upcoming months!”

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