This is No Fear February!
It’s time to face the truth about transition. Transition requires faith. God says, "Believe in Me!" Jesus is right by your side and holding your hand as He sends you outside the parameters of the past season. The Holy Spirit is sending you to preach the Gospel to influencers in your city. It’s time for face-to-face showdowns with the spirits that are causing confusion. Make no mistake, be like Paul and take authority over your God-given destiny. February is the month to face your fears so you can March forward. Remove the witches from your prayer teams and stop entertaining the crowds and coddling the witches to save face. Look at Jesus alone!
Acts 13:9 says, “But Saul who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him and said, 'You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness full of deceit and villainy, will you stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?'" (Read all of Acts 13.)
It’s time for boldness to overcome the political spirit. Brides, arise. You are standing as one with your Bridegroom. No more passive warfare! Take your seat at the table of oneness and love!
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