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Showing posts from January, 2025

Cherished Behind the Door, by Theora Meyers

In the longing and searching for fulfillment in our lives, Jesus beckons to us to join Him behind closed doors. Sometimes it may seem that we don’t have time because so many other voices demand our attention. Even clutter in our homes is noisy, and it can be difficult to hear the Lord’s voice summoning us. Sometimes we even know He is calling, but we are afraid to meet with Him… Afraid of exposure and judgment, afraid of visiting pain…yet He is a persistent lover, ever faithful and ever available.  Can you hear Him today whispering to you, “Come!”? “For a moment leave all that and simply BE with Me. I see what is in your life. I’ve heard all that you have spoken and even thought. Believe Me, I KNOW. So, come; come into My arms, little one, and rest with Me. Stay awhile. Let Me enfold you, securing you in My life.   Receive My breath, My Spirit, into your body. Receive My touch. I adore you. With Me you are SAFE. With Me, you are HIDDEN.   Don’t you know that in My ga...

I Am with You: Thrive! by Margriet Leach

I hear God saying, “I am with you. I am in the midst of your circumstances, whether they be painful, full of joy, or somewhere in between. I am WITH you. You are not alone. I have sent and am continuing to send you not only divine connections, but angelic help. You are being backed and surrounded in ways that you cannot see. Take a deep breath: inhale My glory. This is a new season, and you will feel the tension. Feeling the tension does not mean something is wrong or that I am not moving you forward. I am accelerating you. I am increasing you. I am making you aware that you have outgrown your old season. I am taking the old mantle off and giving you a new one and with that comes a new grace. You cannot stay where the grace no longer is. So welcome to your new season: trust Me in where I am taking you because it is for your increase and benefit! It is time to THRIVE!” —Margriet Leach, Emerging Prophets Director, California, Visit the  FTPN home page . Retu...

Calming the Stormy Seas, by Dr. Cindy Holman

In one of my favorite Psalms, Psalm 107, it talks about four different scenarios that lead us to a place where we cry out to God for help. The first three are expected: wandering without knowing God, being ensnared by darkness, or being willfully sinful. In each one, the Lord faithfully comes to save those who cry out to Him, and it is beautiful! The fourth scenario is about those who do business on the sea. They acknowledge God’s wonders, but the storm comes anyway. When they cry out to the Lord, He leads them to their desired haven. He is so good! This reminds me of another story in Mark 4:35-41, where the disciples cried out to Jesus on a stormy sea. In that story, the storm was stirred up because Jesus was on His way to deliver a demon-possessed man. He had business to do across the sea. Jesus spoke in authority and dismantled the storm. We are in a season where many of us have gone out into the sea of humanity to do God’s business. Whether for ministry or regular business, we ha...

Dream and Prophecy: CHINA, Come to Life, by Andrew Whalen

In a recent dream, I saw a great door open in the nation of China. It was reminiscent of the image that 1 Cor. 16:9 inspires: "For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries." In the dream, the door opened, and rainbow colors of heaven's glory began to flood into the land. The message being preached was "Come to life." Suddenly, the word of the Lord was being ushered before kings and leaders of provinces, cities, and the entire nation. In the dream, I couldn't see the spiritual powers of darkness, but I could feel their absolute terror and hatred for what God was doing. But they couldn't stop it! L et me prophesy: "China, a great door is opening into your land! The word of the Lord, Jesus Christ Himself, shall walk in your midst, and My name will no longer be suppressed! My glory will resound over the land, and the covenantal promise given to Abraham shall now be received by the saints of God in China. They will poss...

Now Is Your Time to Heal, by Krista Dunk

"Now is your time to heal. Sit in My presence; soak in My presence. Explore each piece of the pain and discuss it all with Me. Ask My opinion to see the truth. Throw, cast, heave, surrender all of the pain and details to Me. All the wounds that got frozen in time are still there, but it's time for them to thaw, melt, and be wiped away. Although a small scar will be left behind, it has an important purpose: to serve as a reminder of what I've done in your life, which will produce gratefulness, trust, and hope.  This new harvest of gratefulness, trust, and hope springs up and replaces the sting, the regret, and the cycle of anguish. The cycle changes from a circular, closed-loop cycle of anguish to an upward spiral, much like a spiral staircase to freedom—up out of the clouds—to the place where everlasting joy can be on your head. Your mind and heart will have a new, healthy pattern.  Once the healing has happened and the scar is seen, ask Me for the restitution due you. Wha...

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made, by Stephanie Johnson

You are fearfully and wonderfully made Not from a mass production line But from the creative thoughts spoken from the Father's mind. His thoughts about you are ever increasing, more and more They are as many as the grains of sand on every seashore. So wonderful, deep, and incomprehensible is His love toward you When He created you in the secret place, all things were made new. You are fearfully and wonderfully made Knit together in your mother’s womb so delicately The heavens marveled at your wonderful and mysterious complexity. The entire universe stood on its tiptoe waiting for the moment of your big reveal As God shouted to all creation, “This ONE is a big deal.” The mountains sang and the trees clapped their hands As He breathed into dust and fashioned it into man. You are fearfully and wonderfully made Even before you were born, you were joined to Jesus—the Anointed One. You are His splendid delight that brings Him never-ending pleasure You are His Masterpiece, H...

January's Increase, by Margriet Leach

I hear God saying, “Inhale My glory, My peace, My rest, My increase. Exhale all that is holding you back from receiving what I have for you. Remember whose you are. Remember who I have said you are. You are loved, valued, and treasured by Me. You are celebrated in heaven and by Me. You are worth more than you could ever realize. You were born at this time to bring to the world around you what you carry. You are more than enough for what I have called you to. You plus Me are the majority in every circumstance and situation. With Me you can do all things. So, set your sights on what I am doing and where I am taking you. I have you smack dab in the middle of My plans to prosper you!” —Margriet Leach, Emerging Prophets Director, California, Visit the  FTPN home page . Return to the  word archive home page . Sign up to receive  Source Fire News  e-newsletter   twice a week from FTPN.

The Deep Dive Into 2025, by Peter Eisses

So here we are on the edge of 2025.   Ready for the deep dive.   Of, I’m glad to be alive.   Resolutions to make and goals to reach arrive.   The strive often has the feel of deprive.   That may sound a bit contrived.   Yet, will we thrive? In these conditions that we often join in of the world’s design?   Nonetheless, in the midst of our daily grind.   There are powerful moments of the reason we are here, by our Beloved, the divine.     I speak here to you, think on the inalienable truth.   The ones established deep inside you, of your youth.     You were chosen for such a time as this!   You are wise beyond your years, you cannot miss. This is the age of sweet, sweet bliss.   Brought to us by our Creator, He loves us much, the sea He would dismiss.     I feel the word I have for you is to stop the resist.   Even though you are in the throws the midst.   Of your greatest wonde...

2025: The Year of Restitution, by Krista Dunk

A number of years ago, I had an entertaining dream. In it, I was in a town setting, on a street that was unfamiliar to me, and I was wearing tap shoes. Content to tap dance on the street and enjoy myself, I suddenly spotted two women aways off who I instantly knew had evil intent. They were going to "get me," or so they thought. As they started to run toward me, my tap dancing kicked into high gear, and I tap danced away from them, continuing to evade them for quite some time, never feeling fearful, still having fun.  They were never able to catch me, and finally, in their frustration, one of the women yelled out, "How are you doing that?!"  I yelled back, "That's why they make tap shoes in every size!"  The Lord recently brought this interesting, amusing dream back to mind when I was asking for more clarity about 2025 being the year of restitution. Mid-December was when I heard in my spirit, "2025: the year of restitution." Restitution isn...