In the longing and searching for fulfillment in our lives, Jesus beckons to us to join Him behind closed doors. Sometimes it may seem that we don’t have time because so many other voices demand our attention. Even clutter in our homes is noisy, and it can be difficult to hear the Lord’s voice summoning us. Sometimes we even know He is calling, but we are afraid to meet with Him… Afraid of exposure and judgment, afraid of visiting pain…yet He is a persistent lover, ever faithful and ever available. Can you hear Him today whispering to you, “Come!”? “For a moment leave all that and simply BE with Me. I see what is in your life. I’ve heard all that you have spoken and even thought. Believe Me, I KNOW. So, come; come into My arms, little one, and rest with Me. Stay awhile. Let Me enfold you, securing you in My life. Receive My breath, My Spirit, into your body. Receive My touch. I adore you. With Me you are SAFE. With Me, you are HIDDEN. Don’t you know that in My ga...