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Fearfully & Wonderfully Made, by Stephanie Johnson

You are fearfully and wonderfully made
Not from a mass production line
But from the creative thoughts spoken from the Father's mind.
His thoughts about you are ever increasing, more and more
They are as many as the grains of sand on every seashore.
So wonderful, deep, and incomprehensible is His love toward you
When He created you in the secret place, all things were made new.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made
Knit together in your mother’s womb so delicately
The heavens marveled at your wonderful and mysterious complexity.
The entire universe stood on its tiptoe waiting for the moment of your big reveal
As God shouted to all creation, “This ONE is a big deal.”
The mountains sang and the trees clapped their hands
As He breathed into dust and fashioned it into man.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made
Even before you were born, you were joined to Jesus—the Anointed One.
You are His splendid delight that brings Him never-ending pleasure
You are His Masterpiece, His greatest reward, the riches of all His treasure.
He predestined you unto good works, that you might fulfill
According to the counsel of His perfect design and will. 

You are fearfully and wonderfully made
He knows everything there is to know about you
He created you unto the praise of His glory to worship Him in spirit and truth.
He knows every thought before it enters your mind
And predetermined your destiny before the beginning of time.
He knows the path of your journey and every step you will take
And in His kindness, He has gone into your future to prepare the way
As all of Heaven and creation celebrate
You are fearfully and wonderfully made. 

 —Stephanie Johnson, Emerging Prophets School Director, Colorado, Founder of Refiners Academy, Inc.

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