In a recent dream, I saw a great door open in the nation of China. It was reminiscent of the image that 1 Cor. 16:9 inspires: "For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries."
In the dream, the door opened, and rainbow colors of heaven's glory began to flood into the land. The message being preached was "Come to life." Suddenly, the word of the Lord was being ushered before kings and leaders of provinces, cities, and the entire nation. In the dream, I couldn't see the spiritual powers of darkness, but I could feel their absolute terror and hatred for what God was doing. But they couldn't stop it!
"China, a great door is opening into your land! The word of the Lord, Jesus Christ Himself, shall walk in your midst, and My name will no longer be suppressed! My glory will resound over the land, and the covenantal promise given to Abraham shall now be received by the saints of God in China. They will possess the gates of their enemies!
Ancient strongholds in China are even now being demolished; floods of My glory will move the boundary lines, the laws, and the restraints placed upon you from former days!
The Lord says, 'TRUMP' will do My bidding even for your nation, for the sake of My children in the land, for the sake of My name in the land, for the sake of what I have destined for China! Families of ancient dragon power are suddenly going to fall! Herods will fall! And the saints will bring judgement to the powers of Hell!"
"To My people, watch and pray. China, come to life!"
In Jesus' name!
In Jesus' name!
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