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Transition: Embrace the Mess, by Krista Dunk

Could the mess, upheaval, stress, and unsettledness we're seeing now in the nations be a blessing? I've been feeling the tension of all that's in the news, all the debates, all the exposures, all the turmoil in this time of great transition. While sitting with the Lord, a simple picture of piles of dirt from a garden being dug up came to mind. Then, words came.

The current mess and upheaval are because I am digging up and sifting the soil to unearth the evil things that have been hiding. It feels unsettled and chaotic, but that's part of the good process of cleansing and re-making. Do not speak against the mess. Don't focus on it, exalt it, or fixate on it. The mess is a necessary phase of the process. It is a majestic reset: the result of an overwhelming number of generational prayers of the saints to bring righteousness and change to corrupt systems. The mess is evidence that your prayers are being answered.

There is a war happening; forces of evil are being confronted that have held the ground in many places for far too long, hiding and operating beneath an undisturbed surface. The surface must be disturbed in order to heal and re-make. It's like a home renovation project looks on "demo day." Like an infected wound looks after it's been cut open to drain. Like an overgrown garden looks when it's being uprooted, purged, and tilled to create an entirely new space and be useful again.

View the mess as a good thing. Do not believe the false words that the work needs to stop so things can return to how it has always been. The undisturbed place was very disturbing. Don't be like the Children of Israel who left Egypt's slavery, and because of fear and the challenges they faced along the way, they complained and cried out to return to their familiar bondage. The mess is the piles of chains falling off. Use your words to support the process despite the mess and unsettledness it creates. Fix your eyes on the bigger vision, and see the mess as a blessing—a step in the process. There is a much bigger picture I want you to see and focus on. Pray into the process. I am doing a new thing; can you see it?

Cleanse the soil, Lord! Have Your way! I pray that we can support the people doing this difficult work and find ways to individually help shake the grip of darkness in the spheres of influence we each have. Lord, keep doing the great, impossible things! We support Your good work, and we are made for Your good work. Thank you, Father! 

Krista Dunk —Krista Dunk, FTPN founder, leader of the International Prophetic Writers Association, author

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