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The Modus Operandi Has Changed, by Jenny Aitchison

This week, I heard the Lord say,The modus operandi has changed.” We are in a new season and the old methods of operation are now obsolete. It’s time to revisit the drawing board and write the new vision. Those who have spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear are stepping into a new clarity. New lenses have been given to us, and keys to unlock doors which were once shut, are now in our hands. The secrets of Heaven have been released. For many, God has been giving you dreams and writing these secrets on your heart while you sleep. In the days to come it will be revealed who are the ones stewarding the new revelation and embracing God’s Word with joy.

It's a time of great opportunity for growth and expansion, so do not hold too tightly to the old ways or allow yourself to get left behind. It’s time for “the old dogs to learn new tricks,” with even those who are most seasoned in their fields needing to embrace new ways of operating. God has been rerouting our paths for months, leading us in unfamiliar directions, to bring us through these new doors of opportunity. What was once locked is now accessible, and He is granting us divine strategies to navigate forward. New ways of moving ahead are propelling us into new territories, accelerating our growth and bringing us into new spheres of influence.

In the same way that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous, the tools of the wicked are also being handed over to the righteous. The sons and daughters, created in the image of God, the Creator, are seeing themselves more clearly. We will remain in a time of rest and recovery for a little while longer. This is a place of stillness, settling and increasing clarity. As we step into the New Year, we step away from constantly consuming and move into our role as creators, reflecting the image of the One who made us. The doors have been unlocked and knowledge and understanding are increasing. We will move swiftly through unfamiliar doors of technology that will bring us into the slipstream of the Spirit, exceeding all of our expectations.

A wave of Kingdom entrepreneurs is rising in this season. These sons and daughters are confident in their identity, with the limitations of the last season now removed. With boldness, they are stepping forward into new opportunities, taking risks, and claiming new ground. Instead of spending time aimlessly, they are using their time wisely, creating and redeeming time for Kingdom purposes.
As we leave behind false humility and begin to unearth our talents, we position ourselves to build the new. God’s breath is blowing fresh ideas into our hearts and minds. To those who are waiting to be rescued the Lord says, "I have given you talents, skills, and resources. I have given you a voice. I have placed in your hands the things you require to create wealth." In humble confidence, the Kingdom innovators, entrepreneurs, and solutionaries are rising to build and advance in every sphere of influence.

The time has come to move beyond relying on a single stream for stability and in flow. Many streams of opportunity and influence are available to us. The dams are breaking, and the floodplains will soon be filled. Those who have stepped out in faith, diversifying their approach and opening themselves to new channels, will experience an overflow of blessings. Just as those in the Parable of the Talents who used their talents were entrusted with more, so, too, will those whove been faithful stewards find themselves in a time of increase.

It’s time to have great faith like the widow who, in the days of Elisha, gathered as many empty vessels as she could. Her obedience to prepare and properly position herself enabled God to get the abundance she needed to clear her debts. We must likewise prepare ourselves to be able to receive and contain what is being released. There is an outpouring of strategies and resources which are now being released from the strategy rooms and storehouses of Heaven.

 —Jenny Aitchison, Emerging Prophets Ontario, School Director, Canada,

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