A Prophetic Poem
O' watchman awaken and arise out of your sleep
Hear the voice of the One who calls the deep unto the deep
I've made you a watchman on the wall
To sound the alarm and release My clarion call.
Hear the voice of the One who calls the deep unto the deep
I've made you a watchman on the wall
To sound the alarm and release My clarion call.
O' watchman awaken and arise, get on your feet
Climb to your watchtower and watch to see what I will speak
Call out to Me and I will answer you
I will show you unsearchable things you never knew.
O' watchman awaken and arise, look to see and see to look
As I show you things to come that's written in My book
Cry out loud and do not hold your peace
There is a mighty rushing wind that's coming out of the east.
O' watchmen awaken and arise, put your God in remembrance and give Him no rest
Cry out until you see His glory come from the north, south, east and west
Arise and shine for your light has come, declare His Kingdom and His will be done
For justice and peace is your portion through the Son.
O' watchman awaken and arise, blow the trumpet and sound the alarm
Boldly declare My Word, do not shrink back, I am your strong arm
Do not keep silent, lift up voice day and night
Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.
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