As the calendar
turns again to another year.
And we look in the rear-view mirror.
Let us reflect and look back, peer.
The words spoken and written were very loud for all to hear.
Some loving and
Others beckoning us to a new frontier.
Give us an ear, give us an ear.
Yet some spoken were cloaked in fear.
I’m sure we can
see very clear.
It is these we can dismiss and put to the rear.
I say the fruit of these will disappear.
As in the headlights deer.
And we look in the rear-view mirror.
Let us reflect and look back, peer.
The words spoken and written were very loud for all to hear.
Others beckoning us to a new frontier.
Give us an ear, give us an ear.
Yet some spoken were cloaked in fear.
It is these we can dismiss and put to the rear.
I say the fruit of these will disappear.
As in the headlights deer.
Where do these words steer?
To celebration and loud CHEER?
To rise up and forge new paths, pioneer?
Fuel the tank and kick into a new gear?
Standing gazing out into the sunset pier.
The invitation yelling to appear.
It is not far, no, no, it is very, very near.
All of us a great destiny on this sphere.
Stand up and brake through the thick veneer.
Listen to the words of the seer.
The builder and the frontier.
From volunteer to profiteer.
And from souvenir to new career.
Get into the persevere?
Move forever forward to the beautiful endear?
Deepening depths that cause one to tear.
Up the cliff sheer.
We are more than mere.
Make it we will, sincere.
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